Better with Time…

I’ve told this story to a few friends but I love it so much that I need to shout it to all the Internet.  It concerns….wedding china.

You see, many years ago, I fell in love with a china pattern.  Kate Spade June Lane to be specific.  I fell in love with it in college WAY before I met Mr. Fluvial and filed it under the ‘Someday….’ category.  Whenever I’d go get linens or small kitchen items, I’d always take a quick moment to visit the china and, yup, I just kept loving it.


Flash to 2010.  Mr. Fluvial and I are engaged (well, legally married but you know…) and contemplating the idea and composition of a registry.  I was REALLY stressed with wedding plans and the beginnings of starting a really intense relationship with another person (Mr. Fluvial…I love marriage but it’s a big deal and requires much tending) and for whatever reason, I didn’t want to be That Girl who pestered her fiancee about china patterns.  Social pressure: it’s a real thing!

Anyway, so we’re in the department store armed with the scanning gun and the consultant releases us into the wild…right smack dab in the middle of the fine china section.  Without skipping a beat, Mr. Fluvial heads straight for June Lane and says ‘This is really nice.  Do we want to register for china?’  I was dumbfounded and ecstatic.  Of all the patterns, he chose the one I’d love for years.

We ended up receiving an entire set from my mother-in-law on Christmas morning and suddenly, my mind was buzzing with dinner party plans.


We we we so excited.

Let me say this: everything tastes better on fine china.  I don’t care if it’s frozen pizza or homemade whathaveyou that took you 10 hours to make; it just tastes better when served on pretty dishes.  We use our china as our every day dishes (hurrah for being dishwasher safe) and, with time, they’re starting to show age.  Little bits of paint have rubbed off over time which is sad BUT, I had a thought:

OMG we’ve been married long enough for our china to start showing wear and tear.  Same thing with the towels and other linens we received as gifts.  They are all starting to look a little worn which, oddly, makes me warm in the heart.

Nothing super profound but there ya go.  Warm worn hugs to all of you.

~ by fluvial on January 21, 2014.

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